4 fires at Preble County campground deemed arson; two are still being investigated

By: Eliot Pierce

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After multiple fires at a Preble County campsite were found to be arson, the fire department is asking for the public’s help.

Since September 13, 2024, there have been six fires at the Deer Run Luxury Campground in Somers Township, according to Joshua Forrer, chief of the Camden Somers Township Fire and EMS Department.

Two fires are still being investigated, but the State Fire Marshal’s Office has established that four fires were caused by arson.

According to Forrer, the four arson fires happened on September 13.

Around 5:44 p.m., the first fires started on Buck Rub Cove. Firefighters found two adjacent campers on fire when they arrived.

Firefighters were summoned back to the Antler Cove campground at approximately 9:01 p.m. that evening. Crews found two more campers burning side by side.

On December 22, another camper fire started close to Tim Drive, as News Center 7 had reported. Investigations into this fire are ongoing.

On January 18, the most recent fire occurred on Deer Run Drive. Forrer said that because the campsite roads were not plowed in the off-season, workers had trouble reaching the fire.

Families live in the park year-round, but at least two fires happened while it was scheduled to close for the off-season, according to Forrer.

He claimed that these acts have presented a serious threat to the resources and safety of our community.

“These fires required significant resources and increased demand for emergency personnel, equipment, and response efforts,” Forrer continued.

The mayor claimed that these incidents endanger the community as a whole by taking vital resources away from other crises.

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The remaining fires are presently being thoroughly investigated by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.

To stop these arsons, we need your assistance. Every incidence has a substantial impact on our community’s finances, emotions, and physical health in addition to using up government funds. For everyone’s protection, these instances must be resolved, Forrer stated.

The Camden Somers Township Fire and EMS Department or the State Fire Marshal’s Office should be contacted by anyone with information about these fires.

Forrere adds that even the tiniest detail could be essential to resolving this case and averting such accidents in the future.


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