$750 gift cards offered to evacuees impacted by Northern California lithium battery fire

By: Eliot Pierce

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Residents of Monterey County affected by the battery storage facility fire in Moss Landing earlier this month will get gift cards from a relief fund.

The fund was established in collaboration with the Community Foundation for Monterey County and is run by Vistra Energy, the company that runs the facility located in the Moss Landing power plant.

Approximately 1,200 homes in the vicinity were ordered to evacuate when the lithium-ion battery energy storage system plant caught fire on January 16.

After roughly a day, the evacuations were relaxed and no one was hurt. Following the fire, a team from San Jose State University found higher amounts of heavy metals in adjacent Elkhorn Slough, however initial federal and state air quality measures showed no hazard to people. The fire and its closeness to the delicate wetlands area had already sparked environmental worries.

One Monterey County supervisor called the fire a “Three Mile Island” event for the nascent lithium-ion battery sector the day after it broke out. The Moss Landing fire prompted Monterey County officials to declare a state of emergency on January 21st.

Applicants must be residents of the evacuation zone and be at least 18 years old. Each address will receive a single $750 gift card. You can find the applications at https://bit.ly/MossLandingFireRelief.

Additionally, there will be two opportunities to apply in person. The first is on Saturday from 1 to 8 p.m. at the Castro Plaza Family Resource Center, which is situated in Castroville at 10601 McDougall St.

Additionally, the Moss Landing Harbor District office, located at 7881 Sandholdt Road in Moss Landing, will accept applications Monday from 2 to 6 p.m.

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According to a news statement from the Community Foundation for Monterey County, Vistra has donated $450,000 to launch the fund.

The Castro Plaza Family Resource Center and the United Way will collaborate to deliver the gift cards. The Community Foundation said that applications for business financial help will soon be available.

Not connected to the county government, the foundation is a nonprofit grant-making institution. The foundation states that neither Vistra nor the county will receive any information gathered from applications.

You may find out more at atmosphericresponse.com.

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