California State Water Project increases allocations despite dry January weather

By: Eliot Pierce

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Water managers reported a 5% increase in requested deliveries over the previous month, indicating that allocations from California’s State Water Project are gradually increasing this winter.

Despite January’s lack of significant rainfall, California Department of Water Resources officials announced Wednesday that the water agencies they serve will now receive 20 percent of requested supply, up from 15 percent on Dec. 23.

In a news release, DWR Director Karla Nemeth stated, “Unfortunately, January has been extremely dry, putting a significant dent in our season, even though we are in the middle of our biggest months for precipitation for California.”

The minor monthly increase in supplies impacts the 29 public water agencies that are part of the allocation mechanism for the State Water Project and service 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland.

The fact that all of the state’s reservoirs are currently at, near, or above their typical storage levels for this time of year, according to state authorities, makes the increase possible.

Additionally, strong rains in November and early December saturated the ground, making it easier for stormwater runoff to reach reservoirs across the state.

A final allocation amount is usually released in May or June, and DWR updates allocation amounts every month based on fresh snowfall, rainfall, and runoff data.

State officials said Wednesday that the National Weather Service predicts above-normal precipitation in Northern California for approximately a week beginning February 5 and that the long-range weather forecast “hints” that more rain and snow may be in store for early February.

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“A return to wet weather is critical for our season’s success and it will take many more storms to make up the deficit and further boost water supply deliveries,” Nemeth stated.

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