Cincinnatians take part in the Special Olympics

By: Eliot Pierce

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For a very good and very chilly cause, a crowd gathered early on Saturday morning to leap into icy waters.

The largest fundraiser for Special Olympics in Kentucky and Ohio is the Polar Plunge. To generate money for Special Olympics competitors in Kentucky and Ohio, individuals or teams fearlessly jump into frigid water after receiving pledges.

According to its website, the event, which has been held at The Banks for four years, has already raised over $90,000 of its $157,000 target.

As competitors, organizers, and spectators gathered in front of the Great American Ball Park, WCPO reporter Krizia Williams was present. There was a costume competition in addition to the jump.

Special Olympics Kentucky and Ohio’s goal of giving athletes with intellectual impairments opportunities is supported by the Polar Plunge’s revenues.


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