Extra SSI payment to arrive next week for this group of Americans

By: Eliot Pierce

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In the US, recipients of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit receive their payout once a month. But occasionally, we run across certain anomalies that enable us to get an additional payout in some months. We do experience these kinds of abnormalities in January, so we need to be mindful of the payment schedule.

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For thousands of low-income Americans, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment is crucial, making calendar awareness even more crucial. Checking our eligibility is a good idea because we will receive an additional payment in January that will enable us to collect up to $967 of this benefit before the end of the month.

Although being eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is sufficient to obtain the payment, if we do not select the quickest collection option, we will not receive it in January. Consequently, there are a number of factors to take into account in order to reap the benefits.

Who gets the extra January Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

As previously stated, this additional payment at the end of January is available to all Americans who receive this Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit. All recipients will get the cheque from the administration on January 31, 2025.

The only thing to remember is that Direct Deposit needs to be an active collection method. The payment will still come in a few days later rather than on that day if we don’t have this collecting method enabled.

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Keep in mind that we must fulfill specific standards in order to get monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI):

  • Be

    65 years of age or older

    or have a

  • Have

    low monthly income

    and low resources.

It’s also a good idea to remember that your income directly affects how much SSI you receive.Our Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cheque will decrease as our income increases. In 2025, the maximum is $967 per month.

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