How to get Social Security benefit payments of about $910 in 2025 if you have never worked

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At age 62, a worker typically needs 40 work credits to be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits. That’s ten years of work. However, this can only be done after working. For a variety of reasons, many Americans are unable to work. Some have worked in occupations not covered by SSA or even in another nation, while others have cared for their children.

If someone has never worked, can they still receive Social Security? Married people may qualify for benefits based on their spouse’s record. They will, of course, be subject to several regulations.

When can a spouse receive Social Security payments?

While you have never worked, find out if your spouse has worked enough to qualify for retirement benefits and is set to retire. A worker’s spouse may also be eligible for retirement benefits if they apply for them.

Naturally, the amount of your benefit will be determined by the worker’s earnings. The Agency stipulates that the spouse must be at least 62 years old. Assume the spouse is 61 years old and the employee is 62. The spouse isn’t qualified yet.

Even if you are not 62 years old, you can be eligible for Social Security spousal payments if you have a qualifying child. According to the SSA, a kid who is receiving disability payments and is less than 16 is considered a qualified child.

How much can Social Security spousal benefits be?

The administration has stated that the spousal benefit can equal up to half of the employee’s primary insurance payout. The age at which the spouse retires will determine this.

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Keep in mind that if a spouse begins receiving Social Security before reaching Full Retirement Age, their benefits will be reduced. You must care for an eligible child in order to get the entire amount. Your benefits won’t be reduced.

The typical amount of money for a spouse as of October 2024 is $910. Just so you know, a worker’s retirement income is not reduced by contributions to family members.

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