Is It Illegal to Marry Your Cousin in Oklahoma? Here’s What the Law Says

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Concerns about cousin marriage are often moral, legal, and cultural. In certain cultures, it may seem strange or even taboo to marry a close relative, yet in others, it is completely accepted. An overview of Oklahoma’s laws pertaining to cousin marriage is given on this page.

Oklahoma Law on Cousin Marriage

Marriages between first cousins are expressly forbidden by Oklahoma law. Relationships that are prohibited for marriage are listed in Oklahoma Statute Title 43, Section 3. Marrying an ancestor, descendant, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew is forbidden by this law. Because they share a grandmother, first cousins are prohibited from getting married in the state.

Historical Context of Cousin Marriage

It’s important to remember that cousin marriages were far more prevalent in the past and throughout cultures, even though they may seem uncommon today. For a variety of reasons, it was even considered desirable in some communities to marry a first cousin:

  • Consolidation of Resources: Cousin marriage helped families keep wealth, property, or land holdings within the extended family.
  • Strengthening Alliances: Marriages between cousins could solidify social and political connections between families.
  • Cultural Preservation: In some cultures, cousin marriage was a way to ensure the continuation of specific religious or cultural traditions within the family.

A number of well-known historical figures have married their first cousins, such as Edgar Allan Poe (who married Virginia Clemm), Albert Einstein (who married Elsa L. Gohal), and Charles Darwin (who married Emma Wedgwood).

Reasons for Restrictions

In Oklahoma and many other states, cousin marriage is prohibited by law for two main reasons:

  • Genetic Concerns: Children born to closely related parents are slightly more likely to inherit recessive genetic diseases. While the individual risk for any single partner may be minor, public health problems arise if cousin marriage becomes widespread in a community.
  • Social and Ethical Considerations: Some people oppose cousin marriage because they are concerned about possibly unequal power dynamics within families, particularly if the cousins are of different ages. Others see the practice as violating established societal standards or obscuring important familial duties.
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Arguments in Favor of Cousin Marriage

Some people support the right of consenting adults to marry their cousins in spite of the legal prohibitions, stating:

  • Personal Liberty: Proponents argue that the government should not interfere with two consenting adults fundamental right to marry, regardless of their familial relationship.
  • Cultural Traditions: In countries where cousin marriage is a long-standing custom, supporters regard it as a crucial method to retain family bonds and uphold fundamental cultural values.

Other U.S. States and Global Perspective

In the United States, the legality of cousin marriage varies widely:

  • Outright Bans: Many states, including Oklahoma, have laws explicitly prohibiting first-cousin marriage.
  • Restrictions: Some states allow cousin marriage only with certain provisions, such as requirements for genetic counseling or stipulations that couples be above a certain age.
  • Permitted: A few states still permit first-cousin marriages without restriction.

In various regions of the world, such as the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia, cousin marriage is still common.

Alternatives to Cousin Marriage

First cousins who fall in love and live in a place where marriage is illegal must make tough decisions. Among the possibilities are:

  • Commitment Ceremony: Couples may hold a non-legally binding commitment ceremony to express their love and devotion to one another.
  • Family Building: Exploring adoption or fostering children can be a rewarding way to start a family.
  • Remaining Unmarried: Couples may opt to remain unmarried while developing a deep and loving relationship, possibly with support and recognition from their extended family.


It is clearly against the law in Oklahoma to marry your first cousin. An informed discussion of the subject requires knowledge of the various arguments for and against cousin marriage. Although there are many opinions on this matter, it is important to respect those who have different opinions and to abide by the laws that are in effect in your area.

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