Millions of retirees can get an extra payment of up to $967 just by meeting two requirements

By: Eliot Pierce

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Before the end of January 2025, US individuals who already get a retirement check may receive an additional check.For many residents who have no other source of income, this additional check is crucial. However, not all Americans are able to get this money.

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The maximum amount that retirees who are eligible for this payout may have is $967, however that does not mean that all retirees will have such a large sum. Our income has a direct impact on the amount we receive from this kind of assistance. We will receive less of this additional payout the more money we make.

In any case, we need to carefully examine the prerequisites in order to receive this additional money not just in January but also throughout the remainder of the year. Because this payment is made on a monthly basis, we will be able to pay our bills and other costs by having a somewhat larger budget.

Who can get this extra payment of $967?

Supplemental Security Income is the benefit we are discussing, and there are two very precise conditions for this up to $967 monthly check. With rare exceptions, the payment is sent on the first of each month if we meet them.

The two prerequisites for SSI are:

  • Be

    age 65 or older

    or have a disability.
  • Have a

    low income,

    as well as low resources.
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It is crucial to remember that we must constantly fulfill both standards. While the second of these conditions is subject to change, the first is more likely to remain permanent. We might eventually stop receiving SSI benefits if our income increases.The amount of money we receive can also fluctuate.

On January 31st, the payment for February 2025 will be sent. The weekend nature of February 1st is the reason behind this. When this happens, the check is sent by the Administration the day before work. Citizens who have enabled Direct Deposit will get this payment the same day, along with cheques for retirement and other benefits.

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