More Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments in 2025: Get an extra check in January

By: Eliot Pierce

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There is a calendar irregularity when the US Social Security Administration sends out an additional SSI payment in a given month.

This exception also applies to January and February of 2025. As a result, if you accept this benefit, you might get a new payment in your current account before the end of this month.

It’s possible, though, that the Administration will send the payment, but the cheque won’t arrive until January.

This has to do with the system we have in place to collect Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on a monthly basis. Therefore, we will have an advantage over people who are unable to control this.

When does the January 2025 SSI benefit arrive?

Early January 2025 will see the arrival of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit payment for February 2025. The explanation is straightforward: this cheque is being mailed on a weekend, February 1st. The Administration sends the payment on the prior business day when we run into this exception.

And that’s the main reason we will get an extra Supplemental Security Income (SSI) on January 31st, 2025. To get paid on the same day as the remittance, we must take into account an additional aspect.

We will be able to get our check on January 31st by turning on Direct Deposit. Even if it will arrive a few days later, we will still get the money if we choose not to use this collecting method. It all relies on how the data is gathered.

What is the maximum Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check in 2025?

The Social Security Administration issues new maximum Supplemental Security Income (SSI) checks to recipients following the implementation of COLA2025.

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Keep in mind that the amount varies for each person because they each receive a separate Supplemental Security Income payment.

As a result, the maximum amount paid for this kind of compensation is $967. Although these traits aren’t constantly checked, we can receive this check if we stand to gain the most.

Also Read: The complete February SSDI (Disability Insurance) payment schedule is now accessible: Find out when money is available.

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