New “Calexit” bid for California secession approved for signature gathering in effort to put measure on ballot

By: Eliot Pierce

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California voters will be asked to endorse the state’s separation from the United States in a new ballot initiative that has been approved for signature collection.

Marcus Evans of Fresno introduced a measure that Secretary of State Shirley Weber said Thursday needs to garner over 500,000 signatures by the end of July.

The measure’s wording stipulates that the state must establish a 20-member state commission in 2027 to investigate California’s potential as a stand-alone nation and provide a report the following year.

The Secretary of State would choose the commission’s members at random, and they would need to fulfill specific criteria, like being nominated by 100 registered voters and having lived in California for at least five years.

Additionally, the proposition would put the issue, “Should California leave the United States and become a free and independent country?” on the ballot for November 2028.

The plan would announce a “vote of no confidence in the United States of America” if the ballot question is adopted, but it would not alter the state’s government or its ties with the United States. Additionally, the bill would mandate that the American flag be taken down from all governmental facilities.

A minimum of 50% of voters would need to participate for approval, and 55% of them would need to vote “yes.”

A fiscal analysis from the Legislative Analyst’s office estimates that the measure would cost the state $2 million a year to run the commission, in addition to $10 million in election-related expenses and commission formation expenditures.

Evans has participated in past initiative campaigns advocating for the state’s secession, such as one that was put forth after Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. Many people called that campaign “#Calexit,” a reference to the Brexit vote that was held in the UK that year.

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As of Friday morning, Evans is being contacted for comment by CBS News Bay Area.

According to Weber, supporters need to collect 546,651 signatures from registered voters, or 5% of all votes cast in the 2022 election for governor. The deadline for supporters is July 22.

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