Some Social Security Beneficiaries Will Receive Up to $5,108 This Week

By: Eliot Pierce

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According to SSDI disability benefit claimants, the third round of Social Security payments for January is the last one for retirees.

Following the implementation of this year’s 2.5% cost of living increase (COLA), the Social Security Administration (SSA) has authorized a maximum payment of $5,108 per month for certain retirees who meet three fundamental requirements.

Beneficiaries are separated into three groups, though, and those who pay between the first and tenth of each month get paid on the second Wednesday; those who pay between the eleventh and the twentieth receive their deposits or paper checks on the third Wednesday; and those who pay between the twenty-first and the thirty-first of any given month get paid on the fourth Wednesday.

The last Social Security payment of the month is about to arrive

As mentioned before, the first group’s beneficiaries were paid on the second Wednesday, January 8, and the second group was paid on January 15.

Even though the third group has yet to get its payouts, they are already anxious because the funds will be deposited into their bank accounts on Wednesday, January 22.

How much a beneficiary contributes to Social Security, when they retire, and how many years they have contributed all affect how much they receive from the program.

Additionally, the age at which recipients decide to retire has a significant impact on payments. Delaying retirement until age 70 might result in a monthly payout of up to $5,108, while retiring at age 62 can yield up to $2,831 per month, according to the Social Security Administration.

See also  U.S. Government & Social Security confirm change for the last SSDI disability payment of up to $3,822 before 2025

People must fulfill specific requirements based on their earnings history and retirement age in order to be eligible for the maximum Social Security payment of $5,108 in 2025.

First, they need to have worked and contributed to Social Security for a long enough period of time, usually 40 quarters (10 years).

Additionally, the greatest gain will go to individuals who decide to retire at the full retirement age, which is now 67 for those born in 1960 or after. A person’s monthly benefit amount will be lowered if they decide to retire earlier, as at age 62.

Additionally, a person’s earnings during their working years might be used to calculate how much they receive; higher lifetime earnings usually translate into a higher benefit computation.

Now anticipating February payments: these are the dates

Social Security benefits for February 2025 are calculated based on the dates of retirement. On February 12, the second Wednesday of the month, beneficiaries who were born between the first and tenth of the month will get their payouts.

For pensioners born between February 11 and February 20, deposits will be made on the third Wednesday of the month, February 19. Lastly, pensioners born on or after February 21st will get their payouts on the fourth Wednesday of February.

See Also: The SSA Explains Why a New Social Security Benefit Will Arrive on January 31

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