The Maximum Social Security Just Raised: Up to $5,108 Could Be Yours This Month

By: Eliot Pierce

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) will start giving recipients their matching benefits on the second Wednesday of February 2025. The date of birth of each recipient determines when payments are due, which are February 12, 19, and 26.

On February 12, those who were born between the first and tenth of any given month will get paid first. Payment will be made on February 19 to recipients whose birthdays fall between February 11 and February 20, and on February 26 to those whose birthdays fall between February 21 and February 31.

Some Social Security payments that were advanced

Supplemental Security Income is one of the benefits that the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers in addition to regular and periodic retirement payments.Since the first of the month is a Saturday, the February payment was rescheduled from the usual date of the first to January 31.

However, the March SSI payment for these beneficiaries—who might be retirees—will also be advanced to February 28. They are receiving these extra monies to help them out financially. April 1st is when the next payment is due.

In the meanwhile, as explained in the first two lines of this article, retirees will get their three March installments on March 12, 19, and 26 based on the same reasoning as in February.

Maximum retirement payments for 2025

The maximum payment for retirees is $5,108. Only a particular set of retirees who fulfill certain requirements are eligible for this sum.

To be eligible for the entire payment, beneficiaries must have postponed retirement until they are 70. Benefits are diminished for those who retire before the Full Retirement Age (FRA).

See also  No More Money for Some Social Security Beneficiaries This Month, Yet More to Come Soon

The beneficiary’s 35 years of peak earnings are used to compute their Social Security payout. You must have continuously earned a high salary throughout your working life, near the maximum taxable limit (which in 2025 will be approximately $168,600 annually), in order to be eligible for the maximum award.

Social Security claimants must have accrued at least 40 work credits, or ten years of employment, in order to be eligible for payments. However, a longer history of well-paying employment is necessary for the greatest salary.

Lastly, since getting it before then drastically lowers the monthly amount, they should decide to retire at age 70.

See Also: SNAP Benefits in Texas: Thousands of Families Will Receive Money This Week

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