This Town Has Been Named The Poorest In Ohio

By: Eliot Pierce

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The poorest town in Ohio is Lincoln Heights, a small community around an hour from Cincinnati. Formerly a hub of African American life north of the Mason-Dixon line, this once-thriving city has struggled in recent decades.

Economic Struggles

Lincoln Heights is in a terrible economic state. With a startling poverty rate of 62.9%, the town is in the worst 10% of all American towns.Compared to the 13.3% state average, this rate is far higher.Lincoln Heights’ average household income is only $14,676, over $50,000 less than the national average.

Housing Market

Lincoln Heights’ property market is a reflection of its financial difficulties. At around $109,000, the town’s median home price is significantly less than that of many other Ohio communities.The area’s general economic downturn is reflected in this low property value.

Comparison to Other Ohio Cities

Although Lincoln Heights has the regrettable title of being Ohio’s poorest town, it’s important to remember that poverty affects other Ohio cities as well:

Factors Contributing to Poverty

The economic downturn of Lincoln Heights and other impoverished regions in Ohio has been caused by a number of factors:

State-wide Context

Poverty in Ohio is not just a problem in Lincoln Heights. The minimum wage in the state is $5.25 for tipped workers and $10.45 for non-tipped workers as of 2024.Even after working full-time for the whole year in 2022, over 80,000 Ohioans—including 5,000 adults in Cleveland alone—still did not make enough money to raise themselves or their families out of poverty.

Looking Forward

Effective poverty reduction initiatives, better education, and targeted economic growth are all necessary, as demonstrated by the circumstances in Lincoln Heights and other impoverished neighborhoods of Ohio.

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Even though the current statistics are alarming, they also offer a chance for community leaders and legislators to enact reforms that can aid in the revitalization of these underperforming areas.

The predicament of communities like Lincoln Heights serves as a sobering reminder of the obstacles that still exist and the work that must be done to guarantee success for all citizens of the Buckeye State as Ohio struggles with poverty and economic disparity.


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