TikTok influencer, 27, died after undergoing routine cosmetic surgery and going into cardiac arrest at a Mexican clinic

By: Eliot Pierce

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Days after undergoing cosmetic surgery, a beloved influencer and single mother passed very suddenly.

According to her devastated family, Denisse Reyes’ health rapidly declined after a liposuction procedure in Mexico that left her in critical care.

Three days following the disastrous surgery, the 27-year-old passed away from a deadly heart arrest.

Denisse’s family claims that an unauthorized surgeon operated on her on January 26 at the San Pablo Medical Clinic in Tuxtla Gutirrez.

After her uncle, Ammao Rodriguez, revealed that Denisse had a bad reaction to intravenous medication, her loved ones named Doctor Orlando Gamboa.

Rodriguez told the Daily Mail that an adverse reaction caused her heart to cease beating soon after the procedure.

Doctors told her acquaintance that Denisse’s condition was fragile after she slipped into cardiac arrest at the clinic hours after the procedure, according to her uncle.

According to her uncle, she becomes ill and experiences cardiac arrest, at which point they remove her from the clinic room.

After that, the unmarried mother was taken to Manzur Hospital and placed in critical care.

When Denisse’s condition worsened, the attending physician, Dr. Orlando Gamboa, ordered the hospital transfer, the family’s attorney told Infobae Mexico.

Attorney Rodrguez claims that Gamboa moved the influencer because he didn’t have the necessary medical supplies.

In response, the defense lawyer said that he had taken her from the hospital and moved her to Mansur High Specialty Solutions Hospital, which he said did not have an intensive care unit.

Additionally, he claimed that the physicians who conducted the cosmetic procedure did not take accountability for her recovery after being admitted to the hospital.

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Despite being placed in critical care, she continued to deteriorate until her death on January 29.

In a heartfelt homage to the well-known social media celebrity, Denisse’s sister Massiel Reyes wrote: “The day I said goodbye to you, I hugged you, I told you See you in Tampico, and I didn’t want to let you go.”

I request total respect for my mother’s and my nephew Mat’s suffering, as my sister’s passing is a private matter.

All of the people who have talked to me out of worry for her have my sincere gratitude.

The influencer’s surgeon, Dr. Gamboa, and anybody else found accountable for her demise will be sued, according to the family’s attorney.

If this happens, the lawyer said, they would take the doctor and any other accountable parties to court. But for the time being, Dr. Gamboa will be the primary one.

He added that the family will keep in touch with the Ministry of Health officials in Chiapas.

“May the authorities treat Denisse fairly and may the doctor be held somehow responsible for his actions,” her uncle stated.

After her surgery, she was already doing well, therefore it’s unfair that her health suddenly deteriorated to the point of death.

The risks associated with cosmetic treatments carried out in unlicensed clinics are being brought to light by Denisse’s family and friends.

Regarding the charges against Denisse’s doctor, no medical body has released an official statement, and Gamboa has not spoken out in public.

He was accused of being the cause of a woman’s death in December 2024 following liposuction, a claim he flatly refuted.

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Prior to the cosmetic surgery, Denisse was reportedly in good health and free of any pre-existing conditions. She was also known on Facebook and TikTok as the Queen of the Nenis of Tamaulipas.

In 2022, she became well-known online as a nenis, a phrase used in Mexico to refer to women who sell goods online. She then built her own store and advertised it on social media.


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