Understanding Hawaii Stand Your Ground Law

By: Eliot Pierce

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There isn’t a Stand Your Ground statute in Hawaii. With a few exceptions, the state’s self-defense laws instead adhere to the duty to withdraw premise. This strategy is different from that of many other states that have recently enacted Stand Your Ground legislation.

Hawaii s Self-Defense Law

Hawaii Revised Statutes 703–304 contain the state’s self-defense legislation. In some situations, the law permits the use of force—including lethal force—for self-defense.

Highlights of the Self-Defense Law in Hawaii:

Comparison to Stand Your Ground Laws

Many states have enacted Stand Your Ground legislation, which eliminate the obligation to flee before resorting to lethal action in self-defense circumstances, even when doing so is feasible.3. There are stand-your-ground laws in 38 states as of 2025.

Stand Your Ground vs. Hawaii’s Approach:

Current Debate in Hawaii

The question of whether Hawaii should enact a Stand Your Ground law is still up for debate:


The duty to retreat clause in Hawaii’s self-defense statute promotes de-escalation while permitting the use of force for protection.

Any modifications to this law, as discussions continue, will probably have a big impact on the state’s individual rights and public safety.


  • [1] https://law.justia.com/codes/hawaii/title-37/chapter-703/section-703-304/
  • [2] https://www.davidserenolaw.com/knowing-your-rights-self-defense-laws-in-hawaii/
  • [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand-your-ground_law
  • [4] https://www.pbs.org/video/111424-hawaiis-self-defense-law-5qhtxd/
  • [5] https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/stand-your-ground-in-hawaii/

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